Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More Vis Lang Homework

These are the first two homeworks from visual language, both collage.

9/30 Assignment

It's been a pretty gross week to shoot, so overall I am not totally thrilled with what I got. I really wish it had been nicer out so I could have shot outdoors and with the sun but such is life. I had to use flash most of the time because it's been so dark. I am also super resistant to converting to digital but that's a whole other factor ( 143Film).

My subject was my lovely room mate Steph who so accommodatingly let me harass her with the camera. I chose her because I felt like photographing an inanimate object so much in the same bland conditions would get really old. My element was "Organization", so I tried more to incorporate the different lines and shapes of the backgrounds into interaction with Steph, and also thought about where I was putting each aspect of the image inside the frame.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This is my Visual Language Fall 2008 blog. Postings of recent work, crits, etc.